Average Brent Crude Oil Price around USD 111/ bbl

Unknown | 07.17 | 2 komentar

Brent crude prices has averaged around $111/bbl this year so far even as the US and European economies have decelerated. Liquidity remains strong and plentiful, thus hopes of edging past a recession remain. Brent Crude Oil prices are expected to average $103/bbl over the next 6 months despite the concerns and risks of the European debt crisis. As such, Brent may trade in a range of $90-$115/bbl

The world can afford an average Brent price of $130/bbl in 2012 given that the notional dollar value of the global economy is likely to jump to $73 trillion next year

Even though the global economy is likely to slow down, Brent prices are not expected to fall sharply. Since the world GDP growth has to fall below 2% for a contraction in global oil demand, such a scenario is unlikely

In the short term, if there is an absence of a Central bank easing, the upside potential will remain capped. However, liquidity and inventory levels should temper any spark of a sharp price fall

On the Libyan front, if full production does not hit the market next year, Brent prices could see a brief spike to $175/bbl in 2012. Summing up, Brent crude prices are expected to average $103/bbl while trading in a range of $90-$115/bbl in the next 6 months

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