Rice Price Jump per tonne as Flooding in Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia Signed Agreement Rice Supply

Unknown | 06.46 | 0 komentar

Rice prices jump to 630 USD per tonne as flooding in Cambodian. Rice price before is 520 USD per tonne. As price of rice soar, government selling rice to stop soaring price. Rice will sell in cambodian with prices under 600 USD per tonne

Following severe flooding in Thailand by assuring that the current stockpile is sufficient for local consumption, Sibu Rice Wholesalers Association has acted swiftly to quash rumours of impending rice shortage.

Thailand and Malaysia signed agreement rice supply yearly 307,000 tonnes. To-date, the first half of the supply had been shipped while the balance is stored up safely in Bangkok.

Rice price is quite stable for now but it is difficult to say in the long term as the market is dynamic. A supplier disagreed by saying that the hike might be seen in the coming days, while advising consumers to be prepared for the worse should the flooding in Thailand worsens.

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