CGFCC Inform Farmers Operators on Reform and Guaranteed Prices Policy

Unknown | 07.11 | 0 komentar

CGFCC Ivory Coast's cocoa and coffee body launch a campaign to inform farmers and operators in the industry about sector reforms, it said. "In the coming weeks, a major awareness campaign aimed at the various operators and producers in the domestic market will be undertaken.

Reforms which guarantee minimum prices to farmers in the hope of encouraging re-investment in the cocoa industry is also crucial to Ivory Coast winning International Monetary Fund-backed debt relief. The IMF says it wants to see the reform up and running for six months before giving the go-ahead.

"The campaign will focus on reform and the guaranteed price policy, with particular emphasis on the need for producers to deliver cocoa and coffee of good quality," Eric Koffi, head of operations at CGFCC.

Koffi said that the CGFCC initially focused on the forward sales of the 2012/13 crop, which were launched via an auctioning system on January 31, as the world's top producer looks to sell around 70-80 percent of its crop ahead of the harvest.

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