Corn Commodity Prices North Sumatra 2012

Unknown | 19.20 | 0 komentar

Commodity prices of corn at the farm level in North Sumatra (North Sumatra), experienced a surge to Rp 2,400 per kg, an increase of approximately 33.33% from the previous week worth Rp 1,800 per kg. The price increase is expected to make manufacturers reduce the supply of corn imports for livestock feed requirements.
Chairman of the Indonesian Corn Growers Association (Hipajagi) of North Sumatra, Sebayang Church said that since this week the price of corn has increased and this is a big advantage for farmers. Moreover, the current harvest is already entered in which the production will be abundant and sufficient to meet the needs of animal feed manufacturers.

"This is the result of our struggle who requested the manufacturer to reduce the supply of imported corn for their needs. And expect during harvest, the import is stopped first," he told MedanBisnis, Thursday (19 / 1).

He said corn imports that enter the surge in North Sumatra and without supervision. To that end, the government should limit the amount of imports that can be enjoyed dipetani sale price. "We asked for import post-harvest in the stop. Namely the January to March and July through September. If corn prices fell during the harvest, farmers' reluctance to raise the commodity and it is feared the more difficult the government itself," he said.

Moreover, added the Church, North Sumatra corn farmers also asked agarpemerintah set the reference price of corn again. Because, for three years, there has been no government set a benchmark price of corn, which can suppress speculative traders who could depress prices.

Farmer said he, need capital at least Rp 10 million per ha. This capital loan with an interest rate of 5% per month or about 25% to harvest.

While based on the data of Department of Agriculture of North Sumatra, until December 2011 corn production reached 1,239,178 tons of realization of the harvest area of ​​243,645 ha and 249,233 ha of planting. This figure is lower than Forecast Figures (Aramaic) III 2011 reached 1,240,528.

Kasubdis of Program Department of Agriculture of North Sumatra, Lusyantini say, the production target in Aramaic is indeed lower than Fixed rate (Roof) 2010 as many as 1,377,716 tons, up by 211,170 tonnes compared to corn production in 2009. "This increase is due to increase in harvest area of ​​27,040 hectares or 10.91%, and the yield per hectare also increased by 3.05 quintals per hectare, or 6.48%," he explained.

For Aram III, maize production in 2011 is estimated sebesar1.240.528 tons, down by 137,190 tonnes compared to production Roof in 2010. Decline in production caused by a decrease in harvest area of ​​31,052 hectares or 11.30%, while the yield per hectare has increased by 0.76 quintals per hectare, or 1.52%.

Food Livestock Association (GPMT) of North Sumatra, Bethman Siagian states, all corn production in North Sumatra in Indonesia and has absorbed entrepreneurs fodder. But supplies are lacking or are only able to meet 60% of needs. These conditions make the company should take in a complete lack of maize imports.

"Because kuranglah, so imported. We did not want to import as much risk and little hard though once in a while sometimes the price of corn imports cheaper than locally," he said.

Bethman Admittedly, it will not import if farmers are entering harvest season due to production generated a lot of farmers and factory-sufficient. Unfortunately, the abundant production did not last long even not occur in every month.

"Our needs continue to be met per month have about 50,000 tons," said Bethman. If the policy is stopped imports of corn, he added, will impact on prices of poultry, animal feed and this will burden the consumer society. Besides, farmers obtained maize production is not all used for animal feed only, but used other industrial needs.

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