Rice Price 2012 High due High Grain Price

Unknown | 19.25 | 0 komentar

Rice prices are still high. The high price of rice due to high grain prices.

Based on the information gathered, the price of rice quality I've reached Rp8.600/kg, rice quality for Rp8.400/kg II and III grade rice valued USD 8.200/kg.

While the retail price for quality rice at this time I had reached Rp 9.000/kg. This price has increased approximately Rp600/kg of the price a month ago.

A rice trader in New Market Indramayu, Wahyudi, explained if the rising price of rice has always occurred every transition from one season to the next growing season. This is because the stock of rice at the farm level is low. "Later in rice prices will fall after the harvest comes," he said.

Currently, more Wahyudi, the price of grain at the farm level has been reached Rp5.500/kg. This price is far above the government purchase prices for grain dry milling where (MPD) is only appreciated Rp3.300/kg. The high price of grain is what ultimately caused the price of rice also increased.

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